Sunday, August 30, 2009
12.SCHOOL is for fOOLS . ugh
-- Pink 4 the Glory :)
Monday, August 10, 2009
11. Start Your Week off with Drama & FUCKERY.

Pure niggatry as I wake up from my Monday Markdown nap. When you are jacked up on coffee for 4 hours - - you hit the bed HARD when you get home. Anyway, back to our scheduled program. I wake up to 232648455 calls from a "friend" I haven't spoken to in almost a month. & when I say I say "friend", I mean the nigga I call when actual prospects are asleep, the ego boost, the one who always makes time out of his day to speak to me. & there is no shortage people, there are plenty of those in my life. If you don't know my habits, fails & TRUE men issues (besides the superficial shit) . . . realize you probably are NOT a true friend. Anyway. . . phone calls reminded me of the reason why I don't fuck with dudes with seeds. Didn't you guys learn something from old no-neck (see picture)? - - EVERYTHING COMES OUT [ALWAYS] Granted, I love babies & all that jazz. . . But I have specific reasons to not talk to these guys which I discuss with practically every man I meet. I've turned down some FINE ones because they didn't know how to keep the condom on, make sure she's on birth control & pay for the PLAN B pill. ( c'mon 50 bucks is not a lot to pay to pretty much save the seed for the right one! - - & it's not an ABORTION, its an increased dose of birth control, do the research, assholes! ) But you know & I KNOW . . niggas lie. I won't go into further details out of respect for her & myself. But the question is, "Dude, why lie?". When men make foolish mistakes like this, they set themselves up for the downfall. Don't you know the other woman that doesnt know she's the other woman is going to tell EVERYTHING ? Hell yeah, they won't go down in flames for the next dude. The moral of the story is, every nigga can't be the UNDRESSER & should act accordingly. Carolina men, please keep your main . . . some of ya'll are way too foolish to juggle . . .
Sunday, August 9, 2009
1O.Sunday Night Blues.

My heart beats for a pair of SALVATORE FERRAGAMO eyeglasses.
I remember shopping with my mother earlier this year for a pair of
glasses & being denied the privilege of a pair of these beauties. I think
LC was trying to sell them for like $400 (BLASPHEMY). In my quest
to stand out from the "fashion icons" ( read: Neon-wearing androids)
these were my first choice. FUCK ME for not saving for these beforehand.
But for next years exam, I will obtain a pair. But through some online research,
I found out that this man's ideas on fashion are untouchable. I'm in love & his pricetag
has re-insured my faith in a college degree. Six figure salary - - HERE I COME.
The glasses I want are similar to the ones pictured above, though. . . they would not
be a bad substitute.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
9. thoughts stemming from a former flame. . .
Anywho, speaking to a long- lost ex earlier today & we briefly discussed the reason why we split. Since I was 17 at the time, everything was life or death & I never truly understanded his actions until now. . . He left me for someone he thought he might have a true future with ; completely understandable. Being almost 3 years older then when we first met.. My outlook has changed. I now understand the concept of following your heart. But my true question is. . .is it okay to leave someone youre committed to just because you met someone else? Thinking beyond youre own selfish needs. . .how would the other person feel? My theory on this is simple. . . The society we live in today promotes the pursuit of our own seflish needs & wants. Whether it is a new pair of shoes or butt implants...WE do it for the greater good of OURSELVES, not others. Whats to seperate materialistic wants & needs to the wants & needs of our heart ? The fact of the matter is. . . Its a tough world out there & we must think for ourselves. . .So to my *special friend* out there.. I understand. . .PEACE & LOVE :)
-- Pink for the Glory
Saturday, August 1, 2009
8. just a random update
Posting from my brand new PEEk emailing device..moving slow.... *its updating*...but anywho.. All is well in the world...just been super busy working & such. Posts should pick up once i have pictures from school& such. Until then i will continue to discuss what i feel is importante as usual :)
Late breaking news in my world... Tax free weekend in NC..makes me happy..have a lot of shopping to do before i head back to school. Also... news in the MJ case...its officially manslaughter & the suspect is who else but his doctor. I didnt doubt that for a second. Anyway...peace&love
--pink 4 the glory :P
Miss Collins