Today in the gossip world, it was reported that Richard Jefferson ( NBA player) has paid his ex-fiance a lump sum to "help her move on". WTF? Since when does money comfort a woman who has been left at the altar? Which brings me to my next point... Can money help one compromise in a unhealthy relationship? Can money buy your happiness? This issues intrigue's me because of a situation I was presented with the other day. A "special friend" decided that because he declined my invitation to a remote beachfront location, that him offering to pay for the whole trip would somehow make things better. His invitation was not only an inconvenience for me & my schedule... but also a "trick" ( if you will) to get me to speak again. Men, these things don't work. Throwing money & free vacations in my face is not going to get me to "budge" in you're direction, or foolishly go along with your demands. Let's all take a moment & realize that money DOES NOT & NEVER WILL truly buy the happiness of a woman. Because at the end of the day, or vacation.. when that woman is sitting alone by herself & you're out gallivanting with the next female you bought.. she won't be happy & neither will you. .. at least once she comes out & tells you how she truly feels. ( & we all know that won't be pretty.
Credit to mediatakeout.com for the photo :)