I woke up this morning feeling pretty Kanye. This thought came to me as I watch my dog watch me eat my delicioso apple dippers from Mickey D's ( aka diet Satan). I bet just the caramel alone contains crack & a bagillion calories. Anywho.... I woke up this morning feeling Kanye-ish ( 808's & Heartbreak, of course) Been listening to it all day. This mood is prompted by my extra-curricular activities last night & a conversation with my BF#2. Had a dream about my infamous ex & our numerous "rolls in the hay"... yeah, we fucked A LOT. Sex dreams are few & far between even on my currently present "dry spell". But around every month or so I start to think about him & what would've been this month. Us seeing each other, etc.. it's been 2 years,I know. When you have to let go the love of your life, these things haunt you. I've tried dating & stuff... so I'm not hopelessly pathetic.. but my datees imperfection stick out like the bitch in the club that decides neon colors are classy.I guess I'm waiting until someone sticks around long enough to get that "perfect" image out of my head. Until then, I'm still young & beautiful.
--Pink :)
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